the city offers rich biodiversity and prime
environmental conditions and is home to
128 species under special state protection
Shenzhen is part of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and lies in the northeastern part of Indo-Burma, one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. As a crucial transit for migratory birds around the world, the city offers rich biodiversity and prime environmental conditions and is home to 128 species under special state protection. Meisha Subdistrict, which lies in eastern Shenzhen, is endowed with diverse habitats, covering abundant forests, green spaces, and wetland resources. It is an icon of biodiversity in the Greater Bay Area.
Starting in 2021, under the guidance of government agencies including the Shenzhen Municipal Administration for the Protection of Wildlife, the Yantian Administration of the Shenzhen Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, and the Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau of Yantian District, Vanke Foundation, in collaboration with experts and teams across fields, has launched multiple eco projects, including the Meisha Plant Baseline Survey, Meisha Nature Observation Year, Meisha Nearshore Marine Species Research, Meisha Community River Chief Program, Inland Lake & Wetland Ecological Restoration, Vanke Center Rooftop Ecological Transformation, and Meisha Community Animal Biodiversity Baseline Survey. These projects, aligned with the goals of creating a sustainable community, have focused on exploring how urban biodiversity conservation efforts, including baseline surveys, public engagement, and ecological restoration, address the challenges of climate change in coastal areas, promote sustainable urban growth, and empower the building of carbon-neutral communities.